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Public institutions

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ANITP – “Agenția Națională împotriva Traficului de Persoane” is a structure subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that carries out assessments of human trafficking trends and measures the results of anti-trafficking actions, including by collecting statistical data in close cooperation with relevant international and civil society organizations in this field. ANITP is a center of expertise that brings together police officers, psychologists, sociologists, and social workers, operating as a bridge between trafficked victims and law enforcement organizations as well as between authorities and the national NGOs providing services in this area. The Agency is not a service provider for victims of trafficking and neither a law enforcement body. In terms of interacting with victims of trafficking, its mandate is to provide emotional support to victims, to ensure that victims’ rights are respected and to refer victims to specialised service providers. The Agency cooperates with Romanian and foreign non-governmental and intergovernmental organisations in order to raise the public awareness on human trafficking and its consequences. If you would like to receive support or report a potential case of exploitation or trafficking in human beings, you can contact the Regional Center of the National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons (ANITP) in Cluj, by calling at the phone number +40 264 402 243 or email them at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact them using the national helpline 0800 800 678, which is available from Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00.


IGI – “INSPECTORATUL GENERAL PENTRU IMIGRĂRI” – Established through the reorganization of the Romanian Immigration Office, the General Inspectorate for Immigration exercises the powers given to it by law to implement Romania’s policies in the areas of migration, asylum and integration of foreigners, as well as the relevant legislation in these areas. For more information, please visit

Contact details: e-mail address: [email protected] / telephone contact number: +40 264 555 656.

“Primăria și consiliul local Cluj-Napoca” – Cluj-Napoca City Hall is the local institution that provides and manages a wide range of administrative matters. For more information please visit

Contact details: e-mail address: [email protected] / telephone: +40 264 596 030.

CAS – “Casa Judeţeană de Asigurări de Sănătate Cluj” – The main object of activity of the Cluj Health Insurance House has been and continues to be the guarantee for the insured population of a package of quality medical services by concluding contracts with medical service providers, protecting the insured against the costs of medical services in case of illness or accident, ensuring the protection of the insured in a universal, fair and non-discriminatory manner under the conditions of efficient use of the Single National Health Insurance Fund (FNUASS).

Contact details: e-mail address: [email protected] / telephone contact number: +40 264 530 597.


AJOFM – “Agenția Județeană pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă Cluj” – The county agency ensures, according to the law, the implementation of measures to prevent unemployment, measures to stimulate employment, social protection of job seekers, organizes and carries out employment and vocational training of the workforce.

Contact details: +40 264 590 227.


ISJ – “Inspectoratul Școlar Județean” – is the institution responsible with the development of the educational system. On the following link is a list of all the hubs that provide Romanian language courses for Ukrainians.

Contact details: [email protected] / telephone contact number: +40 264 590 778.


DGASPC – “Direcţia Generală de Asistenţă Socială și Protecţia Copilului Cluj” – is the institution responsible for the protection and respect of the rights of the family, the child, and the adult person with disabilities/in difficulty.

Contact details: [email protected] / telephone contact number: +40 264 420 146.


DASM – “Direcția de Asistență Socială și Medicală” – is the institution responsible for providing services and other social benefits.

Contact details: e-mail address: [email protected] / telephone contact number: +40 264 599 316.


AJPIS – “Agenția Județeană pentru Plăți și Inspecție Socială” – is the institution responsible for the payments and amounts allocated by the state to refugees from asylum centers.

Contact details: e-mail address: [email protected] / telephone contact number: +40 264 597 125.