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Secondary education

Secondary education is a component part of compulsory general education and focuses on eight key areas of competence that determine the training profile of students, in order to familiarize them with a plural and transdisciplinary approach to the fields of knowledge.

It guarantees students access to culture, by developing the freedom to enhance their spiritual universe in order to access the values ​​of national and universal culture.

Lower secondary or lower secondary education comprises grades V – VIII.

High school graduates obtain the graduation diploma, part of the educational portfolio, and the transcript, part of the educational portfolio.

Other relevant information:

Regulatory framework: 

Order 3609/2022 amendment + completion of the Framework Regulation for the organization + operation of modern language teaching classes bilingual intensive

Order 3961/2021 to complete the Regulation-framework for the organization + operation of modern bilingual intensive language teaching classes

OM 4797- Intensive and bilingual regulation published in OJ 579 of 22.09.2017.pdf

PROCEDURE regarding the organization and development of the language proficiency test for admission to the 5th grade – 2019