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Living under the mean of a bailment agreement

A bailment contract is referring to the transfer of possession (and not ownership) of goods by the owner (the bailor) to another person (the bailee) so that they might be used for a specified purpose on condition that they are returned to, or in accordance with the instructions of, the bailor, or kept until he reclaims them. The bailee does not own the goods, but has possession of them. The bailee has a duty to take reasonable care of the goods and return them in accordance with the terms of any express or implied contract of bailment. More information about what the contract should look like and a template can be found here

Once you have found the person willing to make a bailment agreement with you should pay attention to the conditions of the agreement and if you have the possibility to try to consult someone with expertise to assure you that there will be no  inconvenience. Also, you should keep in mind that if you want to make or change your residency, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) will ask you to provide a copy of the bailment contract, authenticated by the notary public. In order to authenticate it, you will have to go to the notary office together with the owner, who will show the ID and the property deeds (extras de carte funciară).