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Health insurance

You’re entitled to free health insurance if:

  • You are under 18 years
  • You have 18 to 26 years and you’re a student with no income
  • You have a disability with a certificate attesting that
  • You are pregnant and you do not have a stable income greater than or equal to minimum wage
  • Husband / wife has health insurance and you do not have income (are co-insured)

Also, if you are legally employed, your employer has the obligation to pay your contribution to the health insurance system.

Before you can access health services as insured person, you should contact the Health Insurance House (CAS) and to register with a family Physician.

If you are not included in the above categories must pay for health insurance.Thus, the amount of payment in the CAS account results from the application of the 10% quota to the calculation basis equal to six minimum gross wages per economy.

If you have acquired the right to stay in Romania you are entitled to health care under the same conditions established by law for Romanian citizens. To receive healthcare they have to pay a contribution to the health insurance fund.

The documents you need to apply for health insurance, for each eligible category, can be found here: Microsoft Word – CATEGORII DE ASIGURAŢI şi DOCUMENTELE JUSTIFICATIVE.doc (

Details on how the health system generally works in Romania, can be found on the official website of CNAS (Casa Națională de Asigurări de Sănătate). Please consult the guidelines here: Ghidul asiguratului – Casa Națională de Asigurări de Sănătate (

Here you can check if you are insured, as well as the status of your subscription to the family doctor and your insurance card: Verificare calitate asigurat – Casa Națională de Asigurări de Sănătate (
