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Who can obtain Romanian citizenship

Romanian citizenship may be granted, upon request, to stateless persons or to a foreign citizen, pursuant to the provisions of art. 8 of the Romanian Citizenship Law no. 21/1991, republished, if they cumulatively meet the conditions:

a) was born and resides, at the date of the application, in the territory of Romania or, although he was not born in this territory, resides in accordance with the law on the territory of the Romanian state for at least 8 years or, if he marries and coexists with a Romanian citizen for at least 5 years from the date of marriage;

b) proves, through behavior, actions and attitude, loyalty to the Romanian state, does not undertake or supports actions against the rule of law or national security and stated that he has not undertaken such actions in the past;

c) has reached the age of 18;

d) has provided in Romania legal means for a decent existence, in conditions of stability of legislation regarding the aliens’ regime;

e) is known to be well behaved and has not been convicted in the country or abroad for a crime which makes him unworthy of being a Romanian citizen;

f) knowledge of the Romanian language and possesses elementary notions of Romanian culture and civilisation, to a sufficient extent to integrate into social life;

g) knowledge of the provisions of the Romanian Constitution and the national anthem.
